Dopo aver visto i test di AB4OJ sull’ ANAN 8000 ho deciso per l’acquisto del nuovo ANAN 7000 che uscirà a breve dalla Apache Labs. Come l’ ANAN 8000 anche il 7000 monta la stessa scheda Orion MKII e’ offre le seguenti caratteristiche:
- Phase Noise (Clock): -149dB @ 10Khz
- TCXO Stability (Typical): +/- .1 PPM
- Use of LDMOS drivers and an optimized final Amplifier stage with adaptive Predistortion Algorithm (PureSignal) yields transmit IMD of -68db @ 100W PEP, this is at least 20dB better than any Class A transmitter and over 30dB better than the competition.
- Using Direct Down Conversion with an ultra low phase noise clock yields an RMDR of 116dB @ 2Khz separation
Prove confermate dai test di AB4OJ. Attendiamo la spedizione…
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